[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Jon Harrop
Sun, 19 Jun 2005 17:56:31 +0100
On Sunday 19 June 2005 16:27, Jos=E9 Bollo wrote:
> You are right my eiffel program for the raytracer is 471 lines.
> I understand you.
> I can also say that reading the ML and ocaml scripts is very easy ;^|
Excellent. :-)
> I coulded make it much compact but i used the standard formater.
> So for me LOC does not care, i let people juge by themselves and i respect
> your jugement.
Yep, I think that's great.
> Can i contribute to the debate about raytracer?
As one of the implementers, I will greatly value your opinion.
> If such a test is sensitive to the order of iterations on the scene
> database, then it must be or removed or the order must be strictly
> explained.
Shall we put a list of suggested optimisations in with the task description?
> One has thrown the wal and has applied a new algoritm to comput the shado=
> So now all contributions have to be adapted to the new bench "howto". In
> such case, can send a mail to the contributors or mark an history to the
> bench. Maybe something is missing. Maybe raytracer went out from sandbox =
> early.
Do you think we should have all of the optimisations in all of the=20
implementations or do you like my idea of prioritising optimising for=20
programs <100LOC and shrinking for programs >100LOC is better?
I think that my idea will only work if the layout is concise, which is=20
atypical in some cases (e.g. SML and Eiffel).
> When you will converge to the final test can you send an official
> announcement on that mailing list?
I had hoped that this benchmark could continue to improve indefinitely.
Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists