[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Isaac Gouy
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 11:41:24 -0700 (PDT)
--- Jon Harrop <jon@ffconsultancy.com> wrote:
> > So your accusation - that I ignored the programs - is wildly false.
> You ignored the programs, now I've uploaded them myself.
That is demonstrably false.
I could not have ignored these programs for the simple reason that you
never sent them. The Alioth trackers are public - anyone who cares can
search the trackers and see that the Java code you've uploaded was
never sent to the Shootout.
Kindly refrain from making false accusations.
> > > I may even make the one line change to your
> > > C# implementation to bring it up to date for you.
> > Jon, this isn't your personal website - respect what other people
> > have contributed.
> You were whining that you had wasted your time porting the ray tracer
> to C#.
Kindly refrain from personal insults.
> Isaac, this isn't your personal website - respect what other people
> have contributed.
No it isn't my personal website - Does that have anything to do with
whether you should change code that others have contributed?
> > > So how many other people's submissions have you also ignored,
> > > Isaac?
> > Another unsubstantiated personal attack?
> > Be specific Jon - what programs do you claim I have ignored?
> You said that other people had wasted their time porting my ray
> tracer. If so, where are their submissions that you ignored?
Kindly refrain from making false accusations.
> Either you made that up and they never existed or they are already on
> the shootout, in which case nobody wasted their time.
Once more: If you intended ray-tracer to operate in the way you
advocate - and not in the manner of the other tests you should have
made that clear. If you had done so, people would have contributed
different programs.
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