[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Jon Harrop
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 01:08:03 +0100
On Sunday 19 June 2005 22:51, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> > Well you can relax now.
> So your accusation - that I ignored the programs - is wildly false.
You ignored the programs, now I've uploaded them myself.
> > I may even make the one line change to your
> > C# implementation to bring it up to date for you.
> Jon, this isn't your personal website - respect what other people have
> contributed.
You were whining that you had wasted your time porting the ray tracer to C#.
I'm just saying that the entire program is still valid (of course, because
the spec has never changed) but you only need to alter one line to bring it
up to date. I may even make the alteration myself.
> > Should I have? The other tests don't...
> If you intended ray-tracer to operate in the way you advocate - and not
> in the manner of the other tests - yes, you should have made that
> clear.
Isaac, this isn't your personal website - respect what other people have
contributed. KNucleotide not specifying the hashing function is exactly
equivalent to my not specifying the order of recursion into the scene tree.
> > So how many other people's submissions have you also ignored, Isaac?
> Another unsubstantiated personal attack?
> Be specific Jon - what programs do you claim I have ignored?
You said that other people had wasted their time porting my ray tracer. If so,
where are their submissions that you ignored? Either you made that up and
they never existed or they are already on the shootout, in which case nobody
wasted their time.
Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists