[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
John Skaller
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 07:58:33 +1000
On Mon, 2005-06-20 at 07:47 -0700, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> --- John Skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> -snip-
> > without endless arguments
> All that's needed for endless arguments are people who would rather
> argue than do anything else.
To whom are you referring?
I did request CVS access so I could at least maintain
the Felix tests and perhaps help out with some other
things, such as writing test specifications, however
it has not been granted at this point.
The fact is at the same time as discussing issues,
which is important in my opinion, I have also done
other things ..
* developed my own test harness,
the source of which I published here
* improved the Felix optimiser so it trashes gcc
on the x86 for ackermann
* commissioned a new 64 bit computer (the old one
was too small and slow to run the Shootout,
amoung other things, and the new one is also
Ubuntu, which is Debian based and should help
install things).
* created my first Debian package (for Felix)
.. as well as dealing with some bugs in Felix and
one in Ocaml, posting two new versions of Felix,
and numerous other things ..
.. so I guess you can't be talking about me :)
John Skaller <skaller at users dot sourceforge dot net>
Download Felix: http://felix.sf.net