[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Jon Harrop
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 23:36:38 +0100
On Monday 20 June 2005 19:41, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> I could not have ignored these programs for the simple reason that you
> never sent them. The Alioth trackers are public - anyone who cares can
> search the trackers and see that the Java code you've uploaded was
> never sent to the Shootout.
Note the:
"Here are my latest implementations for gcc, g++, g95, gcj, java,
mlton, ocamlc, ocamlopt and sml-nj along with example output
for n=32" - me
and all of the attachments at the bottom (ray.java, ray.java etc.).
> > Isaac, this isn't your personal website - respect what other people
> > have contributed.
> No it isn't my personal website - Does that have anything to do with
> whether you should change code that others have contributed?
It has to do with whether I _can_ change code that others have contributed.
> > You said that other people had wasted their time porting my ray
> > tracer. If so, where are their submissions that you ignored?
> Kindly refrain from making false accusations.
> > Either you made that up and they never existed or they are already on
> > the shootout, in which case nobody wasted their time.
> Once more: If you intended ray-tracer to operate in the way you
> advocate - and not in the manner of the other tests you should have
> made that clear. If you had done so, people would have contributed
> different programs.
So did you make it up (they never existed) or are they working on the shootout
("people" didn't waste their time) or are you just whining for the sake of
it? :-)
Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists