[Shootout-list] Re: New test in CVS: implicitode

Sebastien Loisel Sebastien Loisel <sloisel@gmail.com>
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:10:52 -0800

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For completeness of the mailing list archives and for the benefit of
those who don't look at CVS, I'll also attach a c++ source file.
Nobody should check this in, it's already in CVS. However, if you have
any comments or suggestions, forward them to me.

Sebastien Loisel

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:01:27 -0800, Sebastien Loisel <sloisel@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've added a test in CVS. I don't know if anyone reads the cvs commit

Content-Type: text/plain; name="implicit-ode.cpp"
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="implicit-ode.cpp"

#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
using namespace std;
#define op operator

template <class F> F sqr(const F &x) { return x*x; }
template <class F> F pow(const F &x, int i)
{ if(i<=3D0) return F(1); if(i&1) return x*pow(x,i-1); return sqr(pow(x,i/2=
)); }

template <class F>
struct ad
  F x,dx;
  ad() : x(0), dx(0) {}
  ad(int y) : x(y), dx(0) {}
  ad(const F &y, F dy=3DF(0)) : x(y), dx(dy) {}
  ad op +(const ad &y) const { return ad(x+y.x,dx+y.dx); }
  ad op -(const ad &y) const { return ad(x-y.x,dx-y.dx); }
  ad op *(const ad &y) const { return ad(x*y.x,dx*y.x+x*y.dx); }
  ad op / (const ad &y) const { return ad(x/y.x,(dx*y.x-x*y.dx)/(y.x*y.x));=

template <class F> F rat(const F &x)
{ return (x*F(2)+pow(x,2)*F(3)+pow(x,6)*F(7)+pow(x,11)*F(5)+F(1))/
    (x*F(5)-pow(x,3)*F(6)-pow(x,7)*F(3)+F(2)); }

template <class F, class fun>
F newton(F x0, int n, fun &g)
  ad<F> val; int i;
  for(i=3D0;i<n;i++) { val=3Dg(ad<F>(x0,F(1))); x0=3Dx0-val.x/val.dx; }
  return x0;

template <class F> struct sqrfinder
{ ad<F> op () (const ad<F> &z) { return sqr(z)-ad<F>(2); } };
template <class F> struct ratfinder
{ ad<F> op () (const ad<F> &z) { return rat(z); } };

template <class F, class fun>
struct trapezoid_method_rooter
  fun g;
  ad<F> g0;
  F y0,t0,t1;
  trapezoid_method_rooter(fun &G, const F &Y0, const F &T0, const F &T1) :
    g(G),y0(Y0),t0(T0),t1(T1),g0(G(T0,Y0)) {}
  ad<F> op () (const ad<F> &y1)
  { return (g(ad<F>(t1),y1)+g0)*((t1-t0)/F(2))+ad<F>(y0)-y1; }

template <class F, class fun>
F trapezoid_method(F t0, const F &dt, F y0, fun &g, int numsteps)
  int i;
      trapezoid_method_rooter<F,fun> solver(g,y0,t0,t0+dt);
      y0=3Dnewton(y0,10,solver); t0=3Dt0+dt;
  return y0;

string pr(float x) { char s[100]; sprintf(s,"%.30e",x); return string(s); }
string pr(double x) { char s[100]; sprintf(s,"%.30e",x); return string(s); =
string pr(long double x) { char s[100]; sprintf(s,"%.30Le",x); return strin=
g(s); }
template <class F>
string pr(const complex<F> &x) { return pr(real(x))+" "+pr(imag(x)); }
template <class F>
ostream & op <<(ostream &o, const ad<F> &x) { return o<<pr(x.x)<<" "<<pr(x.=
dx); }

template <class F>
struct sqrintegrand { F op () (const F &t, const F &y) { return sqr(y); } }=
template <class F>
struct ratintegrand { F op () (const F &t, const F &y) { return rat(y); } }=

template <class F>
void integrate_functions(F x0, int n)
  sqrintegrand<ad<F> > i1;
  ratintegrand<ad<F> > i2;
  cout<<"i1 "<<pr(trapezoid_method(F(1),F(1)/F(n),x0,i1,n))
    <<"\ni2 "<<pr(trapezoid_method(F(1),F(1)/F(n),x0,i2,n))<<"\n";

int main(void)
  sqrfinder<long double> mysqrt; ratfinder<long double> myratt;
  double x(newton(-1.0l,6,myratt));
  cout<<"rational_taylor_series: "<<rat(ad<double>(0.25,1.0))<<endl;
  cout<<"newton-sqrt_2: "<<pr(newton(1.0l,10,mysqrt))<<endl;
  cout<<"newton-rat: "<<pr(x)<<" "<<pr(rat(x))<<endl;
  integrate_functions((long double)0.03L,200);
  integrate_functions(complex<long double>(0.03L,0.03L),50);
  return 0;
