[Shootout-list] Directions of various benchmarks

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Wed, 18 May 2005 09:43:33 -0700 (PDT)

--- skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Yes but the 'performance' measurements are just as difficult.
> On the old shootout I see Felix beating Java on every test --
> as it dang well should, Java is a dog <hehe> -- and suddenly on the
> new Shootout Java is beating the Ocaml native code compiler??? 

Java beats OCaml native on just one benchmark - takfp.

> Come on! I did some tests and find Felix comfortable trashes
> gcc on some tests, but gcc with a couple of optimisation switches
> trashes Felix .. what are we *really* measuring?

Programming language implementations 

Maybe gcc has better code optimisation than felix.

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