[Simple-cdd-devel] Hi everyone!!!

Daniel Gomez Sierra danielgomezsierra at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 15:41:06 UTC 2010

Hi, can you help me with a problem?

i'm try to use in .conf archive the option of SPLASHPNG, but i don't know
why that dosen't work. My line in this case is:

export SPLASHPNG="/home/daniel/Desktop/nerdOS_d-i/splash.png"

the image have 640 X 320 pixels 7.40 KB and 4 bitmap.

I'm run it in debian lenny with this command line:

$ simple-cdd --conf simple-cdd.conf

 What is wrong or maybe can you send me any example that work well?


              Daniel Gómez Sierra
Estudiante Ingeniería de Sistemas
               Universidad EAFIT
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