[Splashy-devel] /proc/cmdline (was: Re: Slow from initramfs)

Luis lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 16:54:14 UTC 2006

On 8/20/06, Tim Dijkstra <newsuser at famdijkstra.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 20:50:23 -0400
> Luis <lemsx1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > ok i fixed trunk. now you can do: ./scripts/make-debian and a .deb
> > packge will be waiting for you in /tmp
> >
> > For some reason splashy never really started from initramfs... dunno
> > what the reason for that is. it works fine nonetheless (using socket).
> > Still doing more tests...
> It isn't really slow for you?
> The script in init-top/splashy still doesn't work for me. I have a few
> comments about splashy looking for parameters in /proc/cmdline.
> For one, I'm using lilo and do not have vga= on my cmdline. So I think
> we have to remove that check from init-top/splashy.
> Since recently splashy checks for splash* on the commandline. IMHO that
> is unnecessary and problematic for a few reasons: If people now install
> splashy, they can't expect it to work, they first have to add it to
> lilo.conf or menu.list. I think that is a shame.
> If I understand correctly, the reasons for splashy on the cmdline is to
> be able to easily disable it. I propose to use the 'single' cmdline
> parameter for that. It already roughly means 'boot as safely' as
> possible, so it seems logical to disable splashy to.

Well, think about it from this point of view:

you have Splashy (package) installed and you want to use vga= (say, to
make your console look nicer) and you don't want boot into single user
mode to disable Splashy because you ran into some problem and you need
to read the console messages. "splash" in the kernel param solves this
problem nicely.

Note that it shouldn't matter whether Splashy is started from
initramfs or not, if "splash" is not found in the kernel parameters,
Splashy would not start at all.

"single" already has its own purpose, and we also respect that (if
single is found, Splashy is not started)

"vga" has its purpose, and for some people they use other fb drivers
(not vesafb).

I updated the README/HACKING files so that people know what to do. Now
we need to update NEWS so that when people upgrade they know why
Splashy stopped working for them.

Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru


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