[Splashy-devel] /proc/cmdline (was: Re: Slow from initramfs)

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Sun Aug 20 18:34:42 UTC 2006

On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 12:54:14 -0400
Luis <lemsx1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, think about it from this point of view:
> you have Splashy (package) installed and you want to use vga= (say, to
> make your console look nicer) and you don't want boot into single user
> mode to disable Splashy because you ran into some problem and you need
> to read the console messages. "splash" in the kernel param solves this
> problem nicely.

Why don't we make it 'nosplash'? That way people that want to disable
it temporarily can do so, but people that want to use splashy can just 
install the package and be done with it.

grts Tim
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