[Splashy-devel] Bug#455573: Splashy made system unable to boot

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 03:39:30 UTC 2007

Ummm... the log you attached does not seem to show the problem .

Can you please attach the following files:


And the output of:
cat /proc/fb
cat /proc/cmdline
ls -l /dev/fb*

and the output of "uname -a"

Splashy does not need to be installed to do those. However, purging Splashy
and re-installing usually fixes things (especially if you are upgrading).
For more see our wiki page:

dpkg -P splashy splashy-themes
rm -fr /etc/splashy /etc/default/splashy

# make sure you point to "sid" (unstable) in your sources.list
apt-get install splashy

# forget about splashy-themes for now...

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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