[Splashy-devel] Bug#455573: Splashy made system unable to boot

Mika Rastas mika82.kone at kolumbus.fi
Tue Dec 18 22:39:27 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1


I would have booted the system with the debian kernel but it cannot
boot because of initramfs not working. I have an serial ata root and
the drivers aren't loaded without the initrd.

So I've tried again with the two kernels mentioned before 2.6.21 and
2.6.18 both compiled with vesafb-tng patch. When I start without the
splash it starts fine until gdm should start. When gdm doesn't come up
I just logged in to the console and tried to start it manually and it
didn't start.

And the splashy install script complained about initrd not changed log
attached. Might the initrd problems in yaird and newer kernels be
causing this.

Anything else I could try? I would try to compile another newer kernel
but I can't get it to boot because of the yaird (initrd) problem.

Here are the errors I get from the console when boot stops for
maintenance (the last lines visible):

Starting the hotplug events dispatcher: udevdSplashy ERROR: Connection
Splashy ERROR: Couln't splashy_start_splashy(). ERROR  -7

deev/sdb6 no such file or directory (SWAP)

checks root filesystem ok (with path lib/init/rw/rootdev not through

dev/sdb5 Not found (HOME)

Give root for maintenance...

Luis Mondesi wrote:
> Splashy does not need to be installed to do those. However, purging
> Splashy and re-installing usually fixes things (especially if you
> are upgrading). For more see our wiki page:
Tried that and it didn't make any difference

> dpkg -P splashy splashy-themes
> rm -fr /etc/splashy /etc/default/splashy
> # make sure you point to "sid" (unstable) in your sources.list
> apt-get install splashy
> # forget about splashy-themes for now...

> --
> ----)(-----
> Luis Mondesi
> Maestro Debiano
> ----- START ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------
> Gur Hohagh [Yvahk] qvfgevohgvba oevatf gur fcvevg bs Hohagh gb gur
> fbsgjner jbeyq.
> ----- END ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------

- -- Mika
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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