[Splashy-devel] Bug#410579: splashy breaks resume from disk

Pat Suwalski pats at xandros.com
Mon Feb 12 22:01:57 CET 2007

Otavio Salvador wrote:
>> Last week I had a try at it using qemu. The results were a bit
>> demoralizing; stripping splashy down to the bare minimum of just a
>> splash screen also produced the same results. 
> But then, looks like the process didn't go to "daemon mode" locking
> the rest of being run. If it's true, it explain why it takes more or
> less two minutes due the timeout of splashy.

I haven't tried this initramfs stuff yet, but the above description 
sounds familiar with other problems I've encountered before. Basically, 
before init is run, you don't have job control as you know it. The 
forking might work differently than you expect, meaning that "daemon 
mode" might work differently.

But then, we run splashy out of initrd on the Xandros CD and it works 
very well, the splashy process just do not get cleaned up. That's 0.1.6 
though, as there has not been much need to upgrade to the latest version.

On a related note, browsing SVN, I noticed that someone had renamed the 
font "height" tag into "size". I initially had it at "size", but changed 
it because it's not the size, it's the height (line height, not glyph size).


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