[Splashy-devel] Bug#410579: splashy breaks resume from disk

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Mon Feb 12 22:55:28 CET 2007

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:01:57 -0500
"Pat Suwalski" <pats at xandros.com> wrote:

> I haven't tried this initramfs stuff yet, but the above description 
> sounds familiar with other problems I've encountered before. Basically, 
> before init is run, you don't have job control as you know it. The 
> forking might work differently than you expect, meaning that "daemon 
> mode" might work differently.

That could very well be related to the problem. But how 'different' is
daemon mode? Any docs?

grts Tim

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