[Splashy-devel] Forgot meeting
Tim Dijkstra
newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Mon Jan 15 17:38:13 CET 2007
On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 11:18:48 -0500
Luis <lemsx1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/14/07, Tim Dijkstra <newsuser at famdijkstra.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Sorry, forgot about the meeting... I saw nothing happened? ;)
> >
> > Any progress on THE BUG?
Any feedback on the e-mail you send to the directfb people?
> Well, I have not been able to use Splashy from trunk at all.
Really? What is going wrong?
> >
> > I'm planning on finally preparing a release of uswsusp with splashy
> > support in debian, but before that can happen we also need a libsplahy.
> Yes, I'm feeling that we are a bit behind schedule, even though there
> is no real dead line for Splashy. But, there are a lot of people
> waiting for it.
Yeah, we're definitely not 'release early, release offen' mode;)
On a different subject: I got a 'new' graphics card. It uses the radeon
driver, directfb hangs the machine when trying to load it; really
anoying during boot;) Does this sound familiar to anybody? I filed a
bug against libdirectfb, but couldn't find much googling.
grts Tim
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