[Splashy-devel] Forgot meeting
lemsx1 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 17:18:48 CET 2007
Well, I also want to apologize about missing this meeting. This was
our first meeting of the year and I was tied up with family business
far away from a computer.
It seems to me that Sunday's are not a good day to have these
meetings. I'll send another email proposing a new day for this year.
Let's hope that we can pick a day that everybody is able to attend
most of the time.
On 1/14/07, Tim Dijkstra <newsuser at famdijkstra.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, forgot about the meeting... I saw nothing happened? ;)
> Any progress on THE BUG?
Well, I have not been able to use Splashy from trunk at all.
This meeting was supposed to be to get back on track on what we need
to do to get trunk released.
> I'm planning on finally preparing a release of uswsusp with splashy
> support in debian, but before that can happen we also need a libsplahy.
Yes, I'm feeling that we are a bit behind schedule, even though there
is no real dead line for Splashy. But, there are a lot of people
waiting for it.
> I've been fixing some small bugs in trunk. Do you think it is OK, if I
> prepare a release to experimental from the trunk-branch?
Yes, please feel free to break it if you need to. We are going to
start putting a lot of effort on "trunk".
> grts Tim
Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru
"Feliz el hombre que ha hallado sabiduria y el hombre que consigue
discernimiento, porque el tenerla como ganancia es mejor que tener la
plata como ganancia; y el tenerla como producto, [mejor] que el oro
mismo" (Prov 3:13-14).
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