[Splashy-devel] Bug#496621: Bug#496621: X11 displays garbage when using splashy

Marek Kubica marek at xivilization.net
Sat Aug 30 21:46:09 UTC 2008

On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 17:33:37 -0400
"Luis Mondesi" <lemsx1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Versions of packages splashy suggests:
> > pn  splashy-themes                <none>     (no description
> > available) pn  upstart                       <none>     (no
> > description available)
> It looks like you don't have libsplashy and initramfs-tools installed.
> Is this right?

They were installed but not configured as it turned out. My /boot
happens to be on a partition which I made too small so initrd rebuilds
tend to run out of space. Removing backup files and reconfiguring via
dpkg usually solves this problem, and it has solved it also this time,
at least it seems like it's solved by rebuilding initrd.

I think that it was the same problem when I first tried splashy before
switching to usplash (and going back, because usplash is broken (binary
themes, broken shutdown screen)).

Now the only thing I have to criticize in splashy is the flickering,
but this is something for another bugreport (and is definitely less
annoying than this issue).


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