[Splashy-devel] Aborting getstring/getpass?

Tim Dijkstra tim at famdijkstra.org
Mon Oct 13 09:52:53 UTC 2008

Teddy Hogeborn schreef:
> Suppose splashy is running, and I run "splashy_update getpass Foo:".
> Suppose further that I change my mind and do not need the password
> anymore, and want to continue without the need for anyone to interact
> with the keyboard.  Now, how do I tell splashy to abort the password
> prompt?

I don't think I implemented that...

> If there isn't, I suggest that this be implemented.

What is the use case? Why should you start the dialog and then change your
mind? I mean, this command is meant to be used from a script, I would say
the logic in that script should come to the conclusion that it needs a
password or not _before_ it launches the dialog.

grts Tim

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