[Splashy-users] Splashy 0.2.1 on Gentoo

Ken Cobler kcobler at coblercorp.com
Tue Dec 5 19:32:00 CET 2006

Greetings Splashy users.

I wanted to comment on being able to get Splashy to run as the silent 
boot splash on Gentoo Linux.  I like the idea of using user-space 
programs and not messing around with the kernel, if I can avoid it.  
Splashy fit the need exactly.

1.   It was not clear from the directions or the comments generated in 
the splashy_config utility that you must give the absolute path for 
fonts in <font></font> tags for textbox.

2.  The splashy_config utility generates a theme.xml file with 
<height></height> tags inside the the <font></font> tags.  Only after 
reviewing the code in splashy_video.c did I discover that the tag is 
really <size></size> not <height></height> to specify the size of the font.

3. When running splashy as part of the rc scripts, I tried to issue a 
"splashy_update exit" to terminate splashy.  This works from a shell, 
but not inside the rc script.  To get it to work in the rc script, I had 
to perform a "killall -9 splashy" to terminate splashy at the 
appropriate time during rc.

Ken Cobler

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