[Splashy-users] Splasy tries to set invalid framebuffer mode

Luis lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 16:29:35 CET 2006

On 11/12/06, Rob Walker <rob at tenfoot.org.uk> wrote:
> On Saturday 11 November 2006 16:37, Luis wrote:
> > Hello Rob,
> >
> > Splashy uses the framebuffer from the kernel. Check the Splashy README
> > file for information about resolution and refresh rates. You might
> > also want to check the framebuffer documentation for the kernel:
> > Documentation/fb.txt (?).
> >
> > An example:
> >
> > video=radeonfb:1024x768-32 at 100
> >
> > That tells the kernel to use radeonfb driver with 1024x768 resolution,
> > at 32 bits (for alpha) and 100Hz resolution.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> If I don't use splashy, the kernel switches to the correct resolution and uses
> a refresh rate of 60Hz or 75Hz for the console.  I'm using the matroxfb
> driver, which allows me to set the refresh rate with fv:75.  Even if I add
> this option, splashy still tries to set an invalid refresh rate of 95Hz.

Now this is something that deserves investigating. As far as I know,
the libdirectfb library that we use for Splashy, doesn't try to
manipulate those settings unless you explicitly tell it to do so.

One more thing, your card does support 95Hz, right? It's just that
your monitor can't handle it. We do have code in Splashy that looks
for the highest resolution supported by the card and uses that.
However, I was under the impression that if you set the limit with
your kernel parameters, that libdirectfb would not be able to go
higher than that. I'm guessing that in the case of matroxfb, you are
setting your default rate to 75Hz, but the card can go higher at any
point. Perhaps Splashy needs a configuration in
/etc/splashy/config.xml to tell it up to what resolution it should be
attempting to work.

I'll add this to our TODO file for investigation. Though it will be
hard for us to reproduce your setup. We all use vesafb since that is
known to work flawlessly.


Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru

"Feliz el hombre que ha hallado sabiduria y el hombre que consigue
discernimiento, porque el tenerla como ganancia es mejor que tener la
plata como ganancia; y el tenerla como producto, [mejor] que el oro
mismo" (Prov 3:13-14).

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