[Splashy-users] Can splashy be used with an encrypted root partition?

Zoho Vignochi zoho.vignochi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 16:43:07 UTC 2008


I have one of the new ASUS Eeepc's and I have installed Debian on it. I
am now trying to get splashy to work. And it does! Splashy is an
excellent addition and really makes pretty the boot process. Except I
choose to encrypt all partitions except /boot so when I need to enter
the LUKS passphrase I do not get a prompt. If I switch to VT3
(ctrl-alt-f3) then I can see the message prompting for the LUKS
passphrase. If I enter the passphrase then the boot process continues
but splashy no longer displays its graphic but instead the boot text is

So, can splashy be used with an encrypted root and still display its
graphic and if not, is it in the plans for the future?


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