[Splashy-users] Can splashy be used with an encrypted root partition?

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 15:40:37 UTC 2008

On Jan 9, 2008 11:43 AM, Zoho Vignochi <zoho.vignochi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello:
> I have one of the new ASUS Eeepc's and I have installed Debian on it. I
> am now trying to get splashy to work. And it does! Splashy is an
> excellent addition and really makes pretty the boot process. Except I
> choose to encrypt all partitions except /boot so when I need to enter
> the LUKS passphrase I do not get a prompt. If I switch to VT3
> (ctrl-alt-f3) then I can see the message prompting for the LUKS
> passphrase. If I enter the passphrase then the boot process continues
> but splashy no longer displays its graphic but instead the boot text is
> displayed.
> So, can splashy be used with an encrypted root and still display its
> graphic and if not, is it in the plans for the future?
> Zoho



See line 44 and 46 (getstring/getpass).

We already prompt for password for some encrypted filesystems when
coming from suspend. You might want to dig in the source to know how
to use it. But essentially, if the script that mounts your encrypted
root can accept a password from an environment variable or pipe or
from some other form of external input (sockets? named pipes?) then
you are in luck. Splashy already has support for this.

If you need real-time help on this, join us at #splashy on
irc.freenode.net. There is always somebody (awake) in our IRC channel
who can help.


Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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Gur Hohagh [Yvahk] qvfgevohgvba oevatf gur fcvevg bs Hohagh gb gur
fbsgjner jbeyq.
----- END ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------

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