[Splashy-users] Gdm not starting with splashy

jezz at hkfree.org jezz at hkfree.org
Thu Jun 19 17:56:27 UTC 2008

I am testing splashy and I have this problem. After boot, gdm is not started -
last thing, that splashy prints, is starting gdm. There is some deadlock in gdm
starting script. Killing it and manually starting gdm via /etc/init.d/gdm works.
I don't know, if this is splashy or gdm bug, but without splashy gdm is

This is output from pstree:

ii  splashy        0.3.10-1
ii  gdm            2.20.6-1
ii  console-tools  1:0.2.3dbs-65.1

mail:   jezz at hkfree.org
jabber: jezz at njs.netlab.cz
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