[Stardata-common-devel] stardata-common.

Francisco García franciscomanuel.garcia@hispalinux.es
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 00:58:15 +0200

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Hi all,

I am trying to implement the stardata-common package. So, I have been
reviewing the Kevin's RFC, according to Javier suggestions.

I uploaded to cvs my RFC revision, renamed as 'Policy', and I would like
of you review it and, please, feel free to add,modify o suppress
anything you think necessary.

By now, I have three cuestions that I would like to comment you:

1.- Is /etc/stardata.d/ the best location for the astronomy packages=20
scripts?. I think that /usr/lib/stardata-common or
/usr/share/stardata-common/ could be another good possible locations for
I think that the scripts aren't conff files, so /usr/lib could be a good
place, because the scripts are executable.
What do you think?

2.- Javier, What's exactly the difference between 'all' and 'any' in
register-stardata parameters. If both words means the same, Could we use
only one word?, for example 'all'.

3.- Should each stardata package Depends upon stardata-common when this
stardata can be convert to any format?

Please, let me know your opinion about the policy.
I wait for your comments, there is no rush.=20

Best regards!,

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