[Utnubu-discuss] Utnubu and collaborative maintenance with Ubuntu
Gustavo Franco
gustavorfranco at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 17:12:23 UTC 2006
On 1/16/06, Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:
> On 16/01/06 at 10:50 -0200, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> > On 1/16/06, Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org> wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > >
> > > as you know, I'm trying to push forward collaborative maintenance with
> > > Ubuntu. With several Ubuntu MOTU we'd like to make that a reality for new
> > > packages created by Ubuntu.
> >
> > Sounds great Raphael!
> >
> > > (...)
> > > Feel free to sponsor them ! (Just say it publicly here to avoid
> > > duplication of work).
> >
> > I think we should involve mentors[0] (for source packages respository)
> > and sponsors[1] (for a MOTU seek a sponsor) without purge collab-maint
> > and utnubu svn repositories of course. It would be good if all utnubu
> > members subscribe as sponsors. It doesn't mean that you'll need to
> > sponsor everyone (obviously).
> I'm not sure whether this is appropriate. Ubuntu already has REVU to
> handle the reviewing of packages from to-be-maintainers. I'm not sure of
> Raphael sees this, but I think that the collab-maint project is about
> dealing with packages are already very close from the quality standards
> Debian expects, since those packages are already inside Ubuntu. I'd
> prefer to keep utnubu as a "frontend" where Ubuntuers could ask who
> would be the most suited DD to sponsor them.
I was talking about Debian subprojects integration, for utnubu handle
in a better and simpler way the Ubuntuers coming. We (utnubu) can
point the Ubuntuers to sponsors.debian.net ask for upload, they don't
need to ask in this ML. There's a good frontend for that and we don't
need to use the ML or prepare a new one. REVU is sponsors.debian.net
"on steroids" but i see that useful just for Ubuntu side. I think in
Debian we can point Ubuntuers to sponsors when he wants package upload
and mentors when he wants to host the source package.
> > Raphael, i'll write a article for MOTUs interested in contribute back
> > in our wiki, something based on their own[3]. Do you have a url
> > suggestion ? It would be cool keep both articles with the same content
> > and list not only utnubu and collab-maint, but mentors and sponsors.
> I think we should avoid divergence between Ubuntu and Debian, also on
> the documentation level. Why not improve [3] instead of forking it ? ;)
> I am the original author of [3], and am open to discussion regarding it
> :-) I can also proxy your changes if you don't want to create a LP
> account now. Ping me on IRC (lucas at freenode) or Jabber
> (lucas at nussbaum.fr).
> > [3] = http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToDebian
Oh yes, but a user searching in Debian' wiki will feel lost. We need
to play with interwiki at least. Btw, proxy won't be necessary i'm
stratus-debian at LP. :)
> I'm also interested in writing 2 other documents :
> - a demystification of Ubuntu's development process, for DDs, explaining
> how universe, MOTU, merge/syncs, etc work.
> - a demystification of Debian for Ubuntu developers, detailing the
> cultural differences between Ubuntu and Debian.
Do you plan to write both as wiki articles ? If not, it would be cool
if you put online a bzr repository. I can help with review.
> I really think that there are big misunderstandings about how both
> projects work. Documenting the differences would help a lot. if someone
> is willing to help with those documents, just tell me.
Gustavo Franco
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