[Utnubu-discuss] Utnubu and collaborative maintenance with Ubuntu
Floris Bruynooghe
fb102 at soton.ac.uk
Tue Jan 17 12:24:42 UTC 2006
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 07:04:41AM +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> Good Morning, well, if it's a good morning when you read Joeys post
> to d-d and ubuntu-motu list.
> On Monday 16 January 2006 22:48, Philipp Kern wrote:
> > Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > > I'm not sure ubuntu-motu is the right list for this. Some MOTUs prefer
> > > not to care about Debian [...]
> >
> > Although I agree with your statement that ubuntu-motu is not the right
> > list, the last bit really pisses me off. I hope they package their stuff
> > by themselves then and do not just take the work of others. (Yes, I did
> > truncate the part about the mail flood and yes, it is Free Software, so
> > everybody could do with it what he wants.) I wouldn't dare to talk about
> > the "we sync back" thing...
> Ok, Iwrote yesterday a private mail to Raphael, where I stated my concerns
> about the MOTU team as debain maintainer.
> I quote the part here which is important to me:
> "
> the objection I have is only to change the responsibilities of the core motu
> team.
> In my POV the core MOTU team can't be the maintainer (if this is decided
> somehow), because the responsibilities right now are Ubuntu, and not fixing
> bugs in packages coming from ubuntu but running on debian.
This is imho exactly the reason why Joey wrote his email (admittingly
it was written a bit rude). He does not want to be bothered with bugs
from a modified version of his software. Recompiling and linking
against a different library is the same as modifying. So for the same
reason MOTU team can't be maintainer in Debian, Joey or any other DD
can't be maintainer in Ubuntu by default. And the full rationale you
have written already too:
> Rational behind this: People are joining MOTU because of Ubuntu, People are
> joining Debian, because of Debian. If I, as MOTU, fix a bug in a package
> which came from Debian, I'm doing it for Ubuntu, and not for Debian.
> The same happens the other way around.
I'm just trying to point out that I agee that you can't be assumed
responsible for your package in a different distribution. Being
listed in the maintainer field is being responsible. But keep in mind
that this works in both directions.
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