[Utnubu-discuss] Utnubu and collaborative maintenance with Ubuntu
Stephan Hermann
sh at sourcecode.de
Tue Jan 17 06:04:41 UTC 2006
Good Morning, well, if it's a good morning when you read Joeys post to d-d and
ubuntu-motu list.
I'm including ubuntu-motu list for this post, because it's quite important for
On Monday 16 January 2006 22:48, Philipp Kern wrote:
> Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > I'm not sure ubuntu-motu is the right list for this. Some MOTUs prefer
> > not to care about Debian [...]
> Although I agree with your statement that ubuntu-motu is not the right
> list, the last bit really pisses me off. I hope they package their stuff
> by themselves then and do not just take the work of others. (Yes, I did
> truncate the part about the mail flood and yes, it is Free Software, so
> everybody could do with it what he wants.) I wouldn't dare to talk about
> the "we sync back" thing...
Ok, Iwrote yesterday a private mail to Raphael, where I stated my concerns
about the MOTU team as debain maintainer.
I quote the part here which is important to me:
the objection I have is only to change the responsibilities of the core motu
In my POV the core MOTU team can't be the maintainer (if this is decided
somehow), because the responsibilities right now are Ubuntu, and not fixing
bugs in packages coming from ubuntu but running on debian.
I would like to see a new team, which can be utnubu, utnubu-motu or whatever,
where people can subscribe and working on this afford.
Rational behind this: People are joining MOTU because of Ubuntu, People are
joining Debian, because of Debian. If I, as MOTU, fix a bug in a package
which came from Debian, I'm doing it for Ubuntu, and not for Debian.
The same happens the other way around.
So, seeing this as "fact", and seeing that some people are not working with a
plain debian installation (stable, unstable, testing), we, as MOTU team,
can't tell them "hey, your reponsibility is from today on to fix debian bugs
from packages which were first in ubuntu but now they are as well in debian".
But this is a social problem, which we have to solve internally for the MOTU
and/or for Ubuntu as a whole.
> OTOH Ubuntu profits very much from improvements in Debian. I saw people
> suggesting Ubuntu rather than Debian because of d-i. Perhaps they should
> also get the "collaboration, not confrontation" with Debian bit. And no,
> \sh, again, you are not my target here.
I think that all Ubuntu folks know, that without Debian, no Ubuntu would
exists. And therefore I think that many Universe Developers (if they have
upload rights or not) are contributing back to Debian in their own preferable
The problem is only: First, I don't know if the patch works as well on Debian,
so I have to rely on the debian package maintainer, that he will test the
patch and/or add-on that it works perfectly on Debian. If not, he has to
decline the inclusion of the contributed work. Which is ok and for Debian
better then to include a patch which doesn't work.
So, to be honest, there is already collaboration between these two parts of
the Debian world, but, I know it, too, it can be improved. Which is the work
we're (debian and ubuntu folks) trying to do here.
And as I wrote in the email to Raphael, I'm with you, and try to help where I
But to be honest, with all this talks and flames and rants on d-d, there will
be more problems these coming months then ever (see Joeys mail on d-d and as
CC to ubuntu-motu ML, which I think is misleaded, he should have used
ubuntu-devel ML, because some of his software is laying in the main archives)
Well, I just left Gentoo because of those reasons, because some people are
thinking that they're better then others (the animal farm syndrome). This I
can see as well in the work between our two worlds. And it's a pity, that
this happens.
For me, the wish to be not involved in those trench warfares, is quite strong,
so I have to think about retirement from the actual project I'm volunteering
for, because without those people, who are ranting and flaming against
something today, there wouldn't be this wonderful social and technical
environment named Ubuntu.
Without solving those social issues between Debian and Ubuntu, I, for my
person, can't stay. And thinking about the situation, that no one can solve
those problems we have in the near future, I think it's quite fair towards
the community to say "Good Bye, Ubuntu Development, I'm coming back when our
"big brother" is growing up a bit more."
And Philipp, I'm no target at all. :) So don't worry :)
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