[Utnubu-discuss] Should we RFA our packages?

Loïc Minier lool at dooz.org
Thu Jan 3 18:33:45 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jan 03, 2008, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> the utunubu team currently officially maintains four packages:
> http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=utnubu-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org
> I have strong doubts that the team is active enough to be a good
> maintainer for these packages, especially dmraid seems rather important.
> Thus I suggest we put them up for adoption.
> Any comments? Loic Minie, you were the last one that uploaded something,
> so I’m especially interested in your opinion.

 Good points.

 Packages in the repo:
 - alacarte: I am personally happy to have commit access; could move to
 - bzrtools: I'm an user, but it seems to be handled by pkg-bazaar-maint
   nowadays -- should probably be dropped from utnubu?
 - dmraid: agreed, that's an important package, in need of a real
 - gnome-sudoku: merged in gnome-games AFAIK -- should probably be
   dropped from utnubu?
 - gtimelog: tried it a couple of times, but not using it ATM; popular
   package,  in need of a real maintainer
 - prefixsuffix: doesn't seem to be in Debian; no idea what this is
 - timer-applet: timer-applet I uploaded this once, I don't use it
   regularly, no idea how popular it is

 I propose we move the alacarte package to pkg-gnome, but call for a
 maintainer to handle it within pkg-gnome.

 I propose we RFA dmraid, gtimelog, and timer-applet.

Loïc Minier

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