[Utnubu-maintainers] Almighty Blessings
Mrs. Umar Aisha
u.aisha1 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 00:07:56 UTC 2009
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Although I have never seen you before but I believe that I am doing this for
the sake of Islam. Through my prayers and fasting, I had a revelation to
work with you by helping the organization. Though, this medium (internet)
has been greatly abused, I choose to reach you through it because it still
remains one of the fastest medium of communication.
I am Aisha Umar; I have a deposit valued at $1.6 million. I have decided to
donate this fund to either an organization or devoted individual that will
utilize this money the way I will instruct herein.
Any delay in your reply will give room in sourcing for another organization
or a devoted individual for this same purpose. Until I receive your reply on
email: u.aisha1 at live.com
May Allah’s blessings be with you in all your daily endeavors, Ameen.
Aisha Umar Al-Mukhtar.
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