E-Commerce Foundation International
ecommercefound at aim.com
Thu Sep 27 01:27:30 UTC 2007
E-Commerce Foundation International.
Head Office: Brusselsesteenweg 231
B-9030 overijse
Regional Office: Heidelberglaan 2
3481 CS, Utrecht
The Netherlands.
Attention: You are a winner in our Email Sweepstakes programme.
E-commerce Foundation International is an internet usage promoter
volunteer. It is approved by relevant regional, continental and
international authorities.
This organization is largely sponsored and financed by big and
prominent internet engine operators. Our lottery programme is aimed at
the less privileged and other users of the internet as well as
encourages transactions and communications through the internet to
foster the
ultimate goal of our sponsors and major financiers.
However, in our last email ballot draw recently conducted where
e-ticket and batch numbers were assigned to the over 350,000 email
randomly selected from all countries around the world and used for the
sweepstake, your email was one of the successful in the first category
draw. Your
E-ticket number is 36 4 780 800ECF, Batch Number: EU-LW178904 and
winning numbers are 69-2-71-09. Congratulations!!!
Note, First category winners are entitled to a pay out of $2,800,000.00
(Two million eight hundred thousand U.S Dollars) Only. Second category
winners are entitled to a pay out of $1,800,000.00(one million, eight
hundred thousand U.S Dollars) Only. While, Third Category winners are
entitled to a pay out of $1,000,000.00 (one million U.S Dollars) only.
By virtue of the above categorization, you have won the
sum of $2.8 million U.S Dollars.
You are therefore required to send your details as will be enumerated
below to the Claims processing coordinator
Professor Mander Bouw of E-commerce Foundation International
Tel: +31 619 317 420
Email: ecommercefound at aim.com
The details required of you are:
Your full names: Last Name, First name, other names.
Full Address:
Telephone contact:
Reconfirm your email address:
Yours faithfully
Marijm Vancosky.
Executive secretary E-Commerce Foundation International
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