[Welcome-team] Greenhouse User Testing

David Lu daveeloo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 00:51:55 UTC 2013

Hi Welcome Team! I'm Dave, the GSoC student that's been working on
Greenhouse. Thanks for helping us with user testing, and please don't be
scared off by the length of this email, the process should take no more
than 30 minutes! For a quick primer on what Greenhouse is, please see the
README (<https://github.com/openhatch/oh-greenhouse>). Without further ado,
let's begin!

1. Create an account on Launchpad and join the Greenhouse team
-Go to <www.launchpad.net> and create an account.
-Join the Greenhouse team at <https://launchpad.net/~greenhouse>. Joining
the team requires approval. I will approve you as soon as I get the email.

2. Go to <http://greenhouse-daveeloo.dotcloud.com/> and log in.
-Note that this url could change in the future. This document will be
updated in the event of a change.

3. Record a video of your desktop while using the system
-Please close anything on your screen that could compromise your privacy or
-Run this command when you start the next step: ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i
default -f x11grab -s $(xwininfo -root | grep 'geometry' | awk '{print
$2;}') -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq -f mpeg -ar 48000 -s wvga -y
"video-$USER-$(date --iso-8601).avi"
-Stop recording with Control-c.
-If you need to splice the video later, you can run the command: ffmpeg -i
input.flv -ss 15 -t 60 -acodec copy -vcodec copy NameOfVideo.flv
See <

4. Contact 3 people in the "New comers not greeted yet".
-I'm not going to tell you what to do here because that would defeat the
point of user testing.

5. Upload the video.
-Install lftp if you don't have it with "sudo apt-get install lftp".
-Run this command (replace /mydirectory/myvideo.flv with the path to your
lftp -e "cd user-tests ; put /mydirectory/myvideo.flv ; bye"

6. Email <greenhouse at lists.openhatch.org> with subject "User Testing -
<your username> - <month day year>" and answers to the questions below in
the body. Please spend at most 1 minute per question. Just give your
immediate gut reaction. Don't worry about hurting our feelings. Tell it as
it is, that's the only way things get better.
1. What problems did you run into while trying to accomplish basic tasks
the first time you used this interface?
2. Once you learned the interface, what changes would make tasks easier to
3. Are there any changes that can be made to the interface to reduce the
frequency or severity of errors you made while using it?
4. Are there any nonintuitive or tricky parts to the interface that you
have to remind yourself how to use?
5. What aspects of the interface do find annoying and what changes to the
interface would make it more pleasant?
6. Is there a feature that is not present that definitely needs to be added?
7. Any random comments? Examples: The user testing process is too
confusing, you should fix X. The email templates should look like Y. The
background should feature a flying narwhal dancing with a flying unicorn.
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