[Women-website] Bugs in the Website

Jutta Wrage jw@witch.westfalen.de
Sat, 2 Apr 2005 12:54:27 +0200

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Here are some bugs

1. When I call htttp://www.debianwomen.org with lynx now, I get just=20
one line:

"REFRESH(0 sec): http://www.debianwomen.org/news/"

2. when doing "return" on that, I get the message:

"application/xhtml+xml  D)ownload oder Abbru(c)h/(C)ancel"

That should have been tested before putting it online. A page must work=20=

with lynx, if blind people or other people, that cannot run a graphocal=20=

browser could want to read the pages.

3.  The code contains things that may not be valid or are no assumed in=20=

(X)HTML-Code, if css is used:

- <div id=3D"outer" align=3D"center"> - centering should be in css
- <br clear=3D"all" /> - that should be applied by css. A class .clear=20=

would do the trick or just adding a clear all to the css for the next=20

would be a good idea to change that...

A suggestion about the validation:

XHTML is more strict _defined_ thatn html. But the lack is validation=20
here. If you validate alle the produced code yourself, it is good. But=20=

the W3C validation service has no full support for that (there is a=20
disclaimer to be seen on every validation result). I myself have seen,=20=

that there is a reason for that disclaimer.

4. Lost or corrupted links

I have seen a lot of broken links. Some have already been there before=20=

the lates changes. Maybe using a link checker would be a good idea.

- http://women.alioth.debian.org/involvement/
In section contribute, Events: The link to events does not work
Join us in IRC: the lonk to We also have our own #debian-women IRC FAQ.=20=

does not work

- http://women.alioth.debian.org/website/structure/
Basic structure: All three "here"-links are not working. If the pages=20
are not ready now, there could be empty pages saying "Comming soon".

- http://women.alioth.debian.org/faqs/
Isaac posted a broken link to the mailing list on 13th. and I have=20
found already a possible solution, but got no answer.

5. Content
On the last page there should be mentioned, if two letter or three=20
letter language codes should be used.
For Arch, there should be a description where to get it and a link to=20
an installation guide. Arch is not available for Debian stable (Woody).=20=

And is not used as a standard revisioning system in Debian Project.

I think, r=B4that is enough on a first run...



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