[Women-website] Bugs in the Website

Jutta Wrage jw@witch.westfalen.de
Sat, 2 Apr 2005 19:52:26 +0200

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Am Samstag, 02.04.05 um 18:13 Uhr schrieb Colleen Hatfield:

> Did I suggest that?  No, I didn't.

It sounded like that.

>> You know about the campaign "Best viewed with any browser"?
> Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.  But the fact that the version of lynx
> you're using doesn't recognize the content-type "xhtml+xml" is *not* a
> bug in the website.

That versions, I run Mac OS X and debian Woody. And such people use 
that versions of lynx.
Any browser does mean: It should be readable with old browsers, too 
(while real old browser are those, which are from 1995 and older).

Lynx is one of the browsers used with braille. And for sure, that 
_needs_ to work. So, it _is_ a bug in the pages.

It is a fact, that there are people with handicaps and it is a fact, 
that not everyone updates his/her system to the newest and and most 
unstable possible. Having pages viewable in lynx is a wide consensus 
for people who do not make pages "optimized for IE, version xx"). 
Beside that, do we not all want, that people read the pages? Or do we 
want them go away?




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