[Women-website] Progress Report

Thierry Reding women-website@lists.alioth.debian.org
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 07:22:22 +0200

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Hello everyone,

This is a first attempt at a progress report. Now, most of you already know
where things are with the website, but here goes anyway =)

The content from the current website has all been ported, with the exceptions
of the dictionaries and the Wiki. Since every change that is made to the
current website will need to be ported to the new website again anyway, thus
doubling the work involved, I'd suggest migrating to the new structure as
soon as possible.

In order to do so, we need to decide what to do about the dictionaries and
the Wiki.

Erinn and I have already discussed what could be done with the Wiki. I do not
believe it makes much sense to have the content of the Wiki in the Arch
archive, since it would need someone to update the archive everytime a change
is made to the Wiki. An alternative would be to have a second archive where
the Wiki data can be committed periodically, or to backup the Wiki data at
regular, or random, intervals manually. However, the Wiki scripts, aswell as
the templates should go into the website archive.

As for the dictionaries, I haven't thought that through yet. There might be a
problem due to content negotiation, so the naming scheme for the different
translations might need to be revised. I'd really appreciate some input on
this, because I'm quite frankly not sure how best to solve this. Any ideas
Jutta? Everyone? It would probably be easiest to adapt the dictionaries to
the new structure aswell, for the sake of consistency.

Which brings me to what needs to be done. First, the Wiki will need some
changes. It would be nice to have it look the same as the rest of the
website. Anyone interested in this task?

A next step would involve taking some content from the Wiki and make it
permanent/static. Most obvious candidates are the number of tutorials found
in the sidebar's "Articles" section. Another thought comes to mind,
concerning what should and should not go into the Wiki, but that might be
better off in a new thread.

Finally, changes will need to be made to the dictionary sources, if it is
decided that they should go into the archive with the rest of the website.
I'm not sure exactly about what needs to be done here, maybe Jutta can
comment on this, since she is the mind behind those.

Alrighty, that's it for this first report. Any thoughts, suggestions,
comments and questions are encouraged and welcome.


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