[Women-website] Progress Report

Jutta Wrage jw@witch.westfalen.de
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:51:06 +0200

Hash: SHA1

Am Dienstag, 29.03.05 um 07:22 Uhr schrieb Thierry Reding:

> The content from the current website has all been ported, with the 
> exceptions
> of the dictionaries and the Wiki.

So we have now a webwml tree and a make script?

>  Since every change that is made to the
> current website will need to be ported to the new website again 
> anyway, thus
> doubling the work involved, I'd suggest migrating to the new structure 
> as
> soon as possible.

- - What about the script creating the news entries for the main page?
- - Is the cvs (or whatever) tree ready installed on alioth?
- - Can we do a checkout and try to make a local build? URL?
- - If nothing is on alioth now: Where can we see the source? - For me I 
have seen only a build.
- - Is there a developer instruction manual? (checkout, local build and 
- - Do we already know, who has to have access to the source tree 
(checking in changes)?
- - Do we stick to php? There is no advantage any longer, if the pages 
are created by webwml.
- - If everything goes xhtml: how is the validation done? How do we 
handle the xhtml issues (and there are some with negotiation and mime 
- - Who writes a manual page with the differences between html strict and 
xhtml if everything has to be xhtml? How does the source have to look 
- - Are we using po files for translations?
- - Who is notified if build does not work and there are errors?

> In order to do so, we need to decide what to do about the dictionaries 
> and
> the Wiki.

The Wiki has its own history and is to be edited online. That is what a 
Wiki makes up. No sense to have an extra build source for it.

> An alternative would be to have a second archive where
> the Wiki data can be committed periodically, or to backup the Wiki 
> data at
> regular, or random, intervals manually. However, the Wiki scripts, 
> aswell as
> the templates should go into the website archive.

We should have the configuration Data in a versioning tree and - maybe 
- - the wiki in a backup tree.

> As for the dictionaries, I haven't thought that through yet. There 
> might be a
> problem due to content negotiation

The dicts are built from a source by makedictutf8.pl. They do not fit 
well in a webwml tree if you do not just put the sources into the main 
tree and the build script into the make file.

>  so the naming scheme for the different
> translations might need to be revised.

Could you please tell us what you refer to? how should the scheme be 
revised? It is working well for negotiation as far as I have seen.
Beside that nobody can have an Idea without having seen the webwml 

> I'd really appreciate some input on
> this, because I'm quite frankly not sure how best to solve this. Any 
> ideas
> Jutta? Everyone? It would probably be easiest to adapt the 
> dictionaries to
> the new structure aswell, for the sake of consistency.

Currently most of the entries are sent to my by mail and not every time 
having the correct format and/or encodings. As people from outside 
contribute and the web form is running on another server (alioth has no 
cgiemail installed), I cannnot see an advantage in moving everything to 
the wml tree.
We should discuss that again, if we find a way to have a webmail 
interface on alioth. Another isssue is, that the script still cannot 
create php pages. I will have to find some time to dive into that. But 
if pages are created by webwml and scripts, I cannot see the advantage 
of php any longer.

> Which brings me to what needs to be done. First, the Wiki will need 
> some
> changes. It would be nice to have it look the same as the rest of the
> website. Anyone interested in this task?

Before we make changes to the wiki css, we should discuss about the 
general look and feel.

There are two issues:
- - Full accessibility (section 508 and others)
- - There was a question about the debian women pages included into the 
main debian pages. But currently it does look _very_different. 
(corporate identity).

> A next step would involve taking some content from the Wiki and make it
> permanent/static. Most obvious candidates are the number of tutorials 
> found
> in the sidebar's "Articles" section. Another thought comes to mind,
> concerning what should and should not go into the Wiki, but that might 
> be
> better off in a new thread.

Moving things from the Wiki to the main pages should be a seperate 
thread. That is a work permanently to be done in the future. But moving 
the main pages to webwml and revisioning system should not be 
complicated by moving things from the wiki to the main pages at the 
same time.


> Finally, changes will need to be made to the dictionary sources
> , if it is
> decided that they should go into the archive with the rest of the 
> website.
> I'm not sure exactly about what needs to be done here, maybe Jutta can
> comment on this, since she is the mind behind those.

As said before: If contributing should be as easy as it is now, there 
should not be changes to the source file format of the dictionaries.
That what can be changed are head and foot files for the page build.

Maybe, I should explain the contribute issue a bit more:
- - The dictionary form creates correct entries already. I only have to 
look into the encoding then (some deliver an encoding different to that 
they claim to have delivered).
- - The format is quite simple now, put I still get wrong format. If the 
format is changed, that will increase the time needed to update with 
contributed translations.

What I still have no idea about is the linking and presentation:
- - The index page could be included in language negotiation, too. But 
what to present in index.en then? all languages? Only the dicts for 
that language?
- - If all languages in the index.$lang: what about the translations of 
different language names to others?
- - The debian main pages (which consists of several cvs source trees and 
their build) have a language switcher at bottom of page. What about 



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