[Yaird-devel] Not finding cd-dvd rom (hda)?

Javier Vasquez jevv.cr at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 15:16:00 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 01:49:21PM -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
>>I have 3 machines running with initrd images generated by yaird, and I
>>went for the 4th but yaird just doesn't seem to handle it...
> Do you need the CDROM drive to reach the rootfs, or only later on?
> Yaird only enables the absolute minimal to reach rootfs.

No, I don't.  Problem is that I'm left without CDrom forever.  Loading
the cdrom modules with modprobe afterwords works, but still NO hda
device shows up.  It's like the CDrom was hidding somehow...

>>BTW, I can't report any bug since I don't see any error, just the fact
>>that I can't get the cd/dvd rom with yaird...

The problem is not that the cd/dvd rom doesn't get loaded initially
with yaird.  The problem is that I can not get cd/dvd device after
booting with yaird initrd image...

> Well, our "bug" tracker is also for other issues - like "wishlist item"
> meaning "suggestion for new feature".  In other words: Feel free to file
> bugs that are not really bugs.

I wouldn't say this is a wish-list bug.  I just need to be able to use
my cd/dvd rom after boot, which I can't with yaird on this machine
(without much differences I can with the other).  Just to be sure the
only difference with other boxes for which the cd/dvd rom works after
boot is that this is a amd64 core 2 duo machine with sata HD, and IDE
cd/dvd.  Not sure what makes things not to work on this box.  As I
mentioned, I initially suspected of udev, but after confirming
mkinitramfs makes things work, yaird became the suspect again.  The
thing is that mkinitramfs loads pretty much lots of stuff compared to
yaird, so it might be that the initrd image needs to load the cd/dvd
initially for it to work...

Haven't anyone asked about this before?

> Worst thing that can happen is the package maintainer (me, for yeaird)
> disagree with you and quickly closes the bugreport.
> No, actually the even worse is the package maintainer reacting like "oh,
> so annoying you are to file such stupid non-bug, not realizing how it
> might upset me!" and _then_ closing the bug quickly.  I disagree with
> such reaction by principle - I would rather have too many bugreports
> against the packages that I maintain than too few.  But we do not all
> work the same way...
>>I was thinking maybe there's a way to make yaird always load the
>>cd/dvd rom, even though it doesn't find it...  Any hints?
> Assuming you need CDROM only _after_ reaching rootfs, you shoud figure
> out which driver you need, and add that driver to /etc/modules.  Or
> install either udev or discover to have it done automatically.
> If you would want yaird to enable CDROM even if unneeded to reach
> rootfs, then feel free to file a bugreport about it.  Since we spoke
> about it here, I would not just close it as a non-bug.  But I would
> consider such request more of a feature-request than a bug, so would
> lower to severity "wishlist", and also I disagree with the relevance of
> such feature so would tag it as "wontfix"...
> Of course, if CDROM _is_ neeed to reach rootfs, then it _is_ a real true
> genuine bug you found: Please file as a bugreport and let's get to
> understand it better!

For sure CDROM is not needed to reach rootfs, since my box can start
working on "/" and everything after the initrd image is loaded and
everything seems to work, except by the fact I'm left without cd/dvd
rom...  For sure then this is not a bug.  Not sure if belongs to wish
list either.  I thought there could be some configuration I could
tweak to make yaird initially load the cd/dvd rom device, since that's
the only difference I could think of between mkinitramfs and yaird...

>>I'm not part of the list, so please CC me on any response if possible...
> Ok.  Good that you mention it, since standard for Debian mailinglists is
> to _not_ cc unless explicitly requested. :-)

Cool then, thanks,

>  - Jonas
> - --
> * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
> * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through...  Please let me
know if you still think I should file a bug...  Please remember I
wouldn't know what to include though, since as I mentioned, I don't
get any errors, just the lack of cd/dvd device (should be hda, or
that's what I get with udev after loading a mkinitramfs image)...


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