[Yast4debian-devel] Packages dependencies
Stanislav Višňovský
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:41:19 +0200
Dňa Sobota 09 Apríl 2005 01:24 Ramon Acedo napísal:
> Hi,
> finally I found the time to check the deps and write to the list :-)
> * yast2 should depend on:
> - yast2-core because of the binary y2base.
> - yast2-packagemanager (don't ask me why but it does not work
> otherwise).
Because yast2 contains libraries for easy package installation. And that is
provided by the yast2-packagemanager. Depending on the version of YaST code,
it might be that even yast2-core depends on yast2-packagemanager.
> - liby2tool.
> * yast2-core should depend on
> - yast2-ncurses (a message telling it is shown).
This is not needed in principle. Using yast2-core, you can run any YCP script
even without UI. For example, try
/usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2base <script> testsuite
This will run the <script> without any UI - but don't call UI builtins then :)