[Yast4debian-devel] Modules working and next steps

Ramon Acedo ramon@pangea.org
Sat, 09 Apr 2005 20:56:44 +0200

I resend this message because the first try didn't work. 
The list in alioth seems not to work allways correctly.

Hi again,

Pikota is still working and he's got some modules finished:

yast2-users module: works well except with ldap (it is disabled due to
                    some problems compiling the yast2-ldap module).

yast2-nfs-client module: works well.

yast2-nfs-server module: will work tomorrow as Pikota tells me right
                         now :-)

services module: Pikota is working hard on it because the system
                 runlevels in Debian and SuSE are quite different. 
                 Right now it's done the 60% as he told me.

qt module: works well (no patch required).

translation modules: Work well (no patch required).

Next steps: 

Try to port the sound module as Stano told it could be feasible.
Upload the patches and a document telling what they do on which files. I
hope you can use them Jaldhar and then start to package useful stuff for
people out there.

Asking in the Kubuntu lists if there are people wanting to help/try. I
think YaST could be interesting in Kubuntu. But before I would like to
have a repository with some modules working out of the box (in

What do you think guys?


PD: I have uploaded some screeshots to the web page (faq 17).

PD2: Pikota proposes to use a dynamic web, something like mambo or any 
     other CMS. A friend of him is willing to help with the desing and a
     logo :-)