[Yast4debian-devel] Modules working and next steps
Stanislav Višňovský
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 14:21:56 +0200
Dňa Štvrtok 14 Apríl 2005 13:31 Ramon Acedo napísal:
> Hello again,
> El lun, 11-04-2005 a las 15:47 +0200, Stanislav Višňovský escribi=
> > Hi!
> >
> > Dňa Sobota 09 Apríl 2005 20:56 Ramon Acedo napísal:
> > > I resend this message because the first try didn't work.
> > > The list in alioth seems not to work allways correctly.
> >
> > What about moving the list to forge.novell.com?
> That should be discussed to see if everyone agrees. We would like
> to try a site with php+mysql.
Why do you need php + mysql? I don't know if forge.novell.com support those :(
I will investigate a bit.
But my notice was about the mailing list ;)