[Yast4debian-devel] Modules working and next steps
Ramon Acedo
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 13:31:01 +0200
Hello again,
El lun, 11-04-2005 a las 15:47 +0200, Stanislav Vi=B9=F2ovsk=FD escribi=F3=
> Hi!
> D=F2a Sobota 09 Apr=EDl 2005 20:56 Ramon Acedo nap=EDsal:
> > I resend this message because the first try didn't work.
> > The list in alioth seems not to work allways correctly.
> What about moving the list to forge.novell.com?
That should be discussed to see if everyone agrees. We would like
to try a site with php+mysql. Right now in alioth we can't get a
database :-(
Thanks for the advise!