[Blend-fluxbox-devel] TODO list

Stephan Foley foley12723 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 05:28:52 UTC 2016

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:

> I prefer to keep conversation on email, not inside TODO files in git.

Personally, I feel this group is not creating enough stuff. Or, I feel
like I am the only one doing work. Everyone else is just chatting.

As I tried to make clear before, talk is cheap and everybody has
ideas. To do the work and get it working is the part that matters.

Now, for example, where is the blend? We don't have a basic blend of
just x11, lightdm and fluxbox. I tried to run boxer and it doesn't
work for me. We need to see what we are working with and then debug.
In my mind, this is three weeks late already.

There are two additional points about this mailing list:

1. The same points are discussed again and again. They should be put
down in a position paper...that's why working in the git is a useful

2. There are too many confusing points that people are not
resolving...this makes us all look confused! We should resolve these
points in private and not have endless threads over the same

I think, if people are serious about getting this going, they should
do some work...on the homepage, getting the task pages running,
running boxer and having an install script, etc...and then come to the
mailing list to boast about it and bask in the glory.

Anyway, I did a lot of work and now I'm going to stop and let you all catch up.

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