[Collab-maint-devel] Re: {SPAM} Re: Collaborative maintenance, time to work

Daniel Ruoso daniel at ruoso.com
Mon Feb 6 22:45:16 UTC 2006

Em Seg, 2006-02-06 às 18:52 -0300, Daniel Ruoso escreveu:
> 1) VCS -> deb-src
> One thing I think would be really interesting is to provide a apt
> deb-src service for packages maintained in a VCS repository...
> Like... if package foo is maintained in CVS with cvs-buildpackage, a
> line in sources.list should be enough to do an "apt-get source foo" and
> get the lastest CVS version (defined by the last changelog entry in HEAD
> that has a debian_version_x_x_x-y tag defined)...

Well, I just started thinking better...

actually, the PkgRepository doesn't need to be a "module" of some bigger
application... If each group has a deb-src repository generated from its
VCS (no matter how) it's already enough... 

The only thing needed is a tool that scans (based on some configuration)
the lastest source version, export them to .orig.tar.gz .dsc .diff.gz
and generate the Sources file... And, of course, a machine to run this
tool and host the files is also needed... I'll see if I get some time to
write such a tool for pkg-perl (which is SVN, but I'm not sure if the
directory layout is the usual)...

>From this, anyone can apt-get source foo, build it and upload to
ftp-master, or to backports.org, or to some CDD's repo... eventually, a
buildd would be able to generate binary snapshots to debian unstable and
to debian stable even these packages not going to ftp-master...


> P.S.: CC me, I'm not on the list...
Ok, now I'm on the list... no more CC's required...

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