[D-community-offtopic] How can I backup a Win XP by the same script I use to backup my Linux?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun May 19 15:29:24 UTC 2013

> On Mi, 2013-05-15 at 19:03 +0200, Linux-Fan wrote: 
> > As far as I know, bs could only improve performace but is not strictly
> > necessary. The problem is: To restore the backup you need the exactly
> > same partition-layout and (important for Windows) the Hardware (or even
> > AHCI vs. IDE mode with SATA drives) may not be changed. If you plan to
> > restore on the same hardware (except for the hard drive) and connect the
> > hard drive to the same port having restored the partition layout it
> > should be

I tried to restore a backup made with partimage to restore in VBox. I
tried all kinds of partition layouts, restored the MBR, or just the
bootstrap code area, set the boot flag (when needed), recovered with
sfdsk, repaired etc.pp., but no chance, I can't boot the restored backup
with VBox.

The only difference is, that the real XP is installed on sdb1, but it
was installed with sda disconnected, so when doing the install, sdb1
quasi was sda1 and the GRUB chainloader fakes that drive 2 is drive 1.

For the restored backup there is no GRUB and just one drive, so it's on
sda1, but IMO this shouldn't matter.

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