How to start an app by a terminal and to keep it running, when closing the terminal?
Chris Bannister
cbannister at
Wed May 21 09:39:56 UTC 2014
On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 04:25:46PM +1200, Richard Hector wrote:
> On 21/05/14 15:51, Chris Bannister wrote:
> > There is sometimes a fine line between whether a question should be on
> > debian-user or an upstream support channel, e.g. a question about
> > send-hook syntax in mutt belongs on the mutt-users list, whereas a
> > question regarding character display *may* be a locales issue and
> > therefore should be posted to debian-user.
> >
> > Of course, an absolute beginner wouldn't necessarily have the 'nouse' to
> > troubleshoot whether the question belongs on mutt-users or debian-user.
> I and I think most on d-u would have absolutely no problem with mutt
> questions, bash questions etc. Even occasional hardware questions.
> Asking questions that are specifically _not_ debian (eg ubuntu
> questions) is frowned upon. But few of us have time to deal with
> subscribing to a mutt list to ask a single mutt question. And mutt is
> after all part of the Debian GNU/Linux OS.
I presume you are joking, but remember newbies may read this.
But just in case:
There are more mutt experts on the mutt list than there are on the
debian-user list.
It helps when you are searching for help on mutt to only have to search
one archive: mutt-users, instead of having to search, debian-user,
gentoo-user, redhat-user, etc. etc. I hope you can see the benefit of having
the information available in one place rather than scattered willy nilly all
over the Internet.
Debian support does not mean mutt support, postfix support, bash support
etc etc. if that was the case why not just have one list?
Why do you think there are so many debian lists, for example?
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