[Dbconfig-common-devel] lintian warning of missing template

Cameron Dale camrdale at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 19:53:59 UTC 2006

On 1/15/06, sean finney <seanius at debian.org> wrote:
> currently, i put the following into debian/package.lintian-overrides:
> # package uses templates from dbconfig-common, so this is a benign warning
> package: no-debconf-templates
> and then install the file into /usr/share/lintian/overrides/package as
> part of the debian/rules build process.

Yeah, I kinda figured that was it. Thanks for the clarification though.

> however, the *real* fix would be to figure out how to get lintian
> to automagically detect this... but in any case it's not a big
> deal, as it's just lintian being trying to be smarter than it should be.
> so if you're anal retentive and want to get rid of the warning, you
> can do the above, or you can just ignore the message if you'd rather :)

I agree, and was willing to let it go. In trying to get my package
sponsored I had a request for it to be lintian clean, so I'm just
trying to make it as attractive as possible in the hopes of wooing a
prospective sponsor.

Thanks again for the info,

Cameron Dale

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