Tags proposal

Enrico Zini zinie@cs.unibo.it
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 22:09:59 +0100

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Sorry if I can't actively participate in the discussion but I'm so busy
with my thesis.

And, to the involved people, I apoligize for taking a lot of time to
moderate your messages in.

I can't actively participate, but I read you.  And from your messages, I
distilled this proposal:

  Given a tag in the form    something::tag
  I propose to:

   1) Use that 'something::' to identify the source of the tag
   2) Mandate the use of the 'someting::'

So, for example, we'll have all tags derived from the Debian Sections
that will read like:

  debsection::net  debsection::mail

All the tags derived from the aptitude database will read like:

  aptitude::gnome  aptitude::kde

All the tags from debram will have the debram:: prefix.  All the tags
about UI toolkits will have the toolkit:: prefix.  gnome:: prefix.

Then, at libtagcoll level, I'll implement removing whole tag sets, and
I'll implement searches that will operate not considering the
something:: part, to re-add it after the search.

This will help to:

 - Throw in experimental taggings to see what happens
 - Remember where a tag comes from (and his implied semantics and the
   semantics embedded in the context it comes from: lib::gnome can be
   subtly different than desktop::gnome)
 - Allow someone to remove unwanted tags (for example, programming
   language tags can be unwanted from a `non-programmer' setup, but
   added in other setups)

This is the quick proposal, here, for you, for your sharp commenting
skills :)



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