[Debburn-devel] Question on the new tool chain

Dieter Jurzitza dieter.jurzitza at t-online.de
Fri Jun 8 19:30:28 UTC 2007

Dear listmembers,
I am currently modifying xcdroast in such a way that it is capable to work 
with wodim rather than cdrecord (and so on ...).
I found that the different tools (wodim, readom, icedax ...) react differently 

<PROGNAME> -version


Wodim writes everything to stderr, icedax as well. readom writes to stdout, 
genisoimage does (nearly ...) what I would have suggested. Some programs add 
a (Linux) at the end of the version line, some don't.

Have you ever thought of unifying this behaviour? Say, could you envision that 
all tools would behave like:

wodim -version 1>/dev/null

wodim -version 2>/dev/null

readcd 2.01.01a05 is not what you see here. This line is only a fake ...
and so on and so forth.

I stumbled over the fact that wodim behaves different from cdrecord in this 
regard - perfectly fine with me. 
I only thought - but maybe you have good arguments against - it could simplify 
life to standardize the version interface of all the new tools you provide to 
the "outer world". At least those interfaces that are "new" in that sense 
that you do not try to be compliant to what cdrecord does - fortunately wodim 
is new and therefore offers the chance to standarditze things before the 
current behaviour becomes required because it becomes largely used.

Thank you for providing wodim & co! Thanks for your inputs,
take care



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if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)

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