[Debburn-devel] Bug genisoimage: "Unknown file type (unallocated) ./.."

Torsten Nahm tnahm at web.de
Fri Jun 8 08:48:10 UTC 2007


I am writing to report a bug with genisoimage. When burning, I sometimes
get the warning "Unknown file type (unallocated) ./..". Apparently, this
is to do with genisoimage expecting the files "." and ".." to be
reported by readdir in that order. This is not generally true on my ext3
UTF-8 filesystem. For example, I get:

>ls -aUl /home
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 83 torsten torsten  4096 2007-06-08 10:02 torsten
drwxr-xr-x 22 root    root     4096 2007-06-04 18:08 ..
drwxr-xr-x  4 root    root     4096 2007-03-19 01:18 .
drwx------  2 root    root    16384 2006-12-10 16:44 lost+found

The only bug report I could find was from December 2005, but it appears
to have gotten derailed by flaming:

The relevant code seems to be around line 1418:
	if (this_dir == root && strcmp(short_name, ".") == 0)
		root_statbuf = statbuf;	/* Save this for later on */

	/* We do this to make sure that the root entries are consistent */
	if (this_dir == root && strcmp(short_name, "..") == 0) {
		statbuf = root_statbuf;
		lstatbuf = root_statbuf;


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