[Debian-eeepc-devel] Installation report on eee 900

Niccolo Rigacci niccolo at rigacci.org
Sat Jun 14 10:13:44 UTC 2008

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 11:11:35AM +0200, Alessandro Pellizzari wrote:
> I just bought mine, and would like to ask you some questions before
> installing Debian on it.
> Does the multitouch pad work in Debian too?

The two-finger up/down drag emulates the wheel scroll. It works 
with standard synaptic driver. Don't tried minimize/maximize 

> Is the driver included in Debian or shoud I create a package from the
> Xandros installation before formatting?

I think that mixing Xandros and Debian is not desiderable.
I installed Debian Lenny, but I use from Debian **Sid** the 
following packages:

  * linux-image-2.6.25 (sound does not work with 2.6.24)
  * eeepc-acpi-modules-2.6.25
  * atl2-modules-2.6.25

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