[Debian-eeepc-devel] Debian Squeeze/Sid on a eeepc 1002HA

Darren Salt linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk
Wed Dec 16 23:08:48 UTC 2009

I demand that Frédéric Boiteux may or may not have written...

> Le Wed, 09 Dec 2009 20:51:41 +0000,
> Darren Salt <linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk> a écrit :
>> Could you list what events are caused when trying the other keys?

> Yes, here is the codes for my 1002HA :

Before I continue, I should mention that I'm seeing these on my 901 – but I'm
also seeing the 'hotkey ASUS010:00' events.

Which is... fun.

> * Fn-F1, sleep symbol : 
> acpid: received input layer event "button/sleep SBTN 0000 0080 00000000"

No change there. (And you're evidently using netlink-enabled acpid.)

> * Fn-F2, wlan symbol :
> acpid: received input layer event "button/wlan WLAN 00000080 00000000"

Interestingly, reacting to this rather than the hotkey event seems to be more
useful, judging by when this appears (on re-enabling).

> * Fn-F4 [no symbol] :
> acpid: received input layer event "button/zoom ZOOM 00000080 00000000"

The second silver hotkey on my 901 is mapped to this. We have a problem here.

> * Fn-F5, lower brightness symbol and Fn-F6, higher brightness symbol :
> acpid: received input layer event "video/brightnessdown BRTDN 00000087
> and
> acpid: received input layer event "video/brightnessup BRTUP 00000086

Those numbers *don't* vary with brightness, which is useful to know since
that'll mean reading some other file in /sys to get the current brightness.

> * Fn-F7, blank screen symbol :
> nothing happens, the key seems to be undetected [...]

I see "button/screenlock SCRNLCK 00000080 00000000" for the first silver
hotkey, but that's probably not really relevant here.

> * Fn-F8, toggle video symbol :
> acpid: received input layer event "video/switchmode VMOD 00000080 00000000"

I see the same with Fn-F5.

> * Fn-F9, task-manager symbol (?) :
> acpid: received input layer event "button/prog1 PROG1 00000080 00000000"

Same here with Fn-F6.

> * Fn-F10, mute symbol, Fn-F11 lower sound and Fn-F12, higher sound :
> acpid: received input layer event "button/mute MUTE 00000080 00000000"
> acpid: received input layer event "button/volumedown VOLDN 00000080
> acpid: received input layer event "button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000"

Same here with Fn-F7, Fn-F8 and Fn-F9.

> * SHEngine button (not a Fn-F* combination, but a specific button on the
> top of the keyboard) : nothing detected :-(

No idea. No equivalent here.

The attached patch should get things working. It's complicated by the fact
that (for most keys) I see both events, so one has to be ignored; I've chosen
to ignore whichever type is not seen first, with exceptions for those which
are _not_ doubly reported.

If all is well (others need to test too!) and we have a solution for the ZOOM
problem, I'll commit this.

> Perhaps brightness is handled by the BIOS,

It is.

> but I get a feedback on the screen (Gnome applet ? a decoration-less window
> with a sun symbol and a progress bar). Idem for the sound, so I guess some
> userspace software is involved : I guess it's HAL, as running "lshal -m"
> prints events for sound, brightness events.

gnome-power-manager, IIRC.

| Darren Salt            | linux at youmustbejoking | nr. Ashington, | Doon
| using Debian GNU/Linux | or ds    ,demon,co,uk    | Northumberland | Army
| + http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/

Confucius say: Duck who fly upside down, quack up.

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